Friday 13 October 2023 - Saturday 14 October 2023 8.30am - 5pm

Imagery Rescripting for Childhood Trauma

About the Event

Imagery re-scripting is a key aspect of schema therapy and a powerful experiential tool for change. Furthermore, research over the last 4 years has focused on how Imagery Rescripting can be utilised as a stand-alone treatment for childhood trauma and related PTSD (Arntz, 2013, de Haan et al 2018).

This in-person workshop will focus specifically on how therapists can become skilled in developing strong corrective emotional experiences via Imagery Rescripting. The training will focus on Arnoud Arntz’ imagery rescripting protocols; and discuss recent research findings in the treatment of childhood related post-traumatic stress and associated chronic mental-health problems. It will approach Imagery Rescripting as a stand-alone treatment, and primarily focus on using the intervention with adults and adolescent clients. No experience in Schema Therapy is required for this workshop.

The style of teaching will be focussed on hands-on, practical skills-development, with many opportunities to observe and practice skills to facilitate the immediate application of Imagery Rescripting in your daily therapeutic work with clients.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding recent Imagery Rescripting research and the IREM research trial
  • Confidence in working with clients with a trauma background
  • Improved confidence in using Imagery Rescripting approach for trauma work
  • Developed further skills in responding to antagonists in imagery (via deliberate self-practice approaches)
  • Increased awareness of the therapist's own blocks and challenges; and practical ways to assist
  • Improved skills in working with client blocks and challenges
  • Development of skills on when to use imagery for compassion


Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is suitable for those working professionally with clients who have experienced complex trauma and who have current professional registration with an Australian regulatory body:

  • General Practitioners
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Social workers
  • Counsellors
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychotherapists
  • Mental Health Nurses

Applicants who do not meet the above criteria can apply on an individual basis to the COTWA Board by emailing Consideration will be given to the applicant’s:

  • Nature and length of employment
  • Educational background and qualifications
  • Training in trauma
  • Support from the applicant’s supervisor and/or employer

About the Presenter/s

Presenter Name
  Dr Chris Hayes
Presenter Blurb

Chris is a Clinical Psychologist based in Perth WA. He has extensive experience in public and private settings, working with clients with complex psychological presentations. Since 2005, Chris has been practising as an accredited advanced Schema Therapist, supervisor, and trainer after having completed certification in Schema Therapy at the Schema Therapy Institute in New York City (USA) with Dr Jeffery Young. He has presented workshops throughout Europe, Asia and Australasia and is the Director of Schema Therapy Training Australia. Chris was employed as a Clinical Psychologist at the Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) - a specialist service for those who have experienced recent or childhood sexual trauma - at the WA Health Department for more than eight years. In this role, he was heavily involved in implementing the Imagery/EMDR for Childhood Trauma (IREM) research trial (Boterhoven De Haan, et al., 2020). He has previously served as Secretary of the Board for the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST); and co-produced two video releases, ‘Fine Tuning Imagery Rescripting’ and ‘Fine Tuning Chair Work in Schema Therapy’. Both are the first of their kind internationally and come highly recommended. Chris is the co-author of ‘The Cambridge Guide to Schema Therapy’ textbook scheduled for release in late 2022. 

Presenter Image
Presenter Name
  Dr Katrina Boterhoven de Haan
Presenter Position
  Clinical Psychologist
Presenter Blurb

Katrina Boterhoven de Haan is a Clinical Psychologist who has worked across both government and
not-for-profit sectors. These include community mental health, child protection, and specialised services, including sexual trauma services. She has extensive experience in the treatment of mental-health disorders, in particular complex trauma and borderline personality disorder presentations.

Katrina is a trainer in Imagery Rescripting and an accredited EMDR therapist/consultant.
She completed her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree through the University of Western
Australia in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Her PhD thesis was on ‘Investigating Effective Treatments for Adults with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from Childhood Trauma Experiences’.

Katrina has published several articles and a book chapter with the main focus on treating more
complex trauma presentations. Her research has lead to presentations at several international conferences; and has seen her involved in national and international projects.

Presenter Image


Date/s: Friday 13 October 2023 - Saturday 14 October 2023 8.30am - 5pm

Registration opens on 1 April 2023

The board will determine the financial viability of proceeding with this event or not by mid September 2023, so please prioritise registering for this workshop if this was of interest to you (or email us to discuss alternatives). 

Venue: The Newman Sienna Centre,
33 Williamstown Road,
Doubleview WA 6018
Additional Venue Information

Registration for Attendance Certificate purposes to commence at 8.30am each day, for a 9am start to the workshop.

Teas and a light lunch will be provided. Please advise special dietary requirements at time of registration.

Accomodation Suggestions:
Recommended Reading:
Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations prior to 1 October 2023 will attract a $50 processing fee

Cancellations after 1 October 2023 will attract the full fee (transfer of registration is possible).



Sonia Smuts -

500 COTWA Professional Members 12 Yes
300 COTWA Clinical Members 12 Yes
50 COTWA Clinical Members with a Spatial Directory profile 12 Yes
800 Non-member Professionals 12 No
Notes about Fees

As this workshop is intended for practicing professionals, only attendees who are a professional member of COTWA (i.e. have provided their professional registration certification from an Australian regulatory body) will be eligible to earn PD credits for their attendance.

If you are a practicing professional and not yet a member of COTWA and would like to attend the event, it is financially more beneficial to become a member: Your cost to become both a member and attend the event will be $650, plus you will earn PD credits for attendance.

* Members need to be logged into the Members' Area to get the member rate applied.

** Please prioritise finalising submission of your Clinical membership assessment application and Spatial Directory profile if this workshop is of interest to you. If your directory profile is fully completed by 31 October 2023, you will qualify for the $50 attendance fee and you will receive a refund of the initial registration fee.

Depending on whether your Curriculum Vitae is up to date; and how long it might take you to draft a letter of reference on behalf of busy referees (we have templates you can use to make this easier), we estimate you probably need to set aside ~90+ minutes of your life to complete the application form. Your Clinical membership application will then be assessed by Blue Knot Foundation, Australia’s National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma, for processing. This could take from 4 to 21 days.

Once you are a Clinical Member, you will receive an email to invite you to list on the COTWA Spatial Directory, with some practical tips on how to go about doing this.

COTWA's Spatial Directory is a unique and much-needed resource for survivors, colleagues, GPs, and other service providers in WA. The more weight trauma-trained clinicians add to it, the more weight COTWA has to advocate on behalf of everyone, for improved service delivery in WA for people with complex trauma.


COTWA recognises that it is a complex process to list on our Spatial Directory. We still believe it is worth it for survivors! Before you give up, please message us via the Contact Us form on the website if you require any practical, technical, or even emotional support 🙂 to complete the online form - we will be in touch to offer helpful help.


The information presented at this workshop is general in nature, and that of the presenter's. This may/may not represent the views of COTWA as well. You should always seek your own professional advice specific to your unique circumstances.

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